Progressive Delivery is one of the key benefits you can get when addressing our writing service. If your order is big, multilevel and complex, choosing this option you will receive updates about the progress and be able to suggest some changes if needed.
We have come up with this method of managing complex assignments after several surveys conducted among clients in the academic writing market. The bigger and more complex an assignment is, the more stress customers feel when placing an order. With a Progressive Delivery, you are protected both from fraud and poor competence.
To experience all benefits of our Progressive Delivery Service you should pay only 10% than you would pay for a paper with a standard delivery plan. If you want to receive your assignment part by part and pay for it in installments, please, address our contact support to organize it for you.
To avoid any confusion and increase the effectiveness of this feature we have set the following rules regarding it: you can ask for a Progressive Delivery option only if your assignment is due more than in 3 days and/or costs more than $200. For the orders with a deadline exceeding 7-10 days and priced over $600 Progressive Delivery is obligatory.
$7 page
$11 page
$15 page
“Why is it so affordable?” you may ask. The thing is, we don't need award-winning authors or a fancy design to write a quality paper for you. Instead of spending money to pretend we are great, we just do our job effectively.