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The List of Literature Review Topic Ideas that Will Be Surely Accepted by Your Instructor

A typical literature review comprises and evaluates different sources of research available for a particular topic that you’re writing about at college. Taking into account the fact that the formats of a literature review tend to vary. Ensure you follow your tutor’s requirements to the dot at first. As a rule, the literature review writing process includes several steps: defining a topic, conducting a thorough research on a question, searching for relevant resources, analyzing and evaluating sources, coming up with (more...)

Hot Literature Review Example Topics: How to Cover the Literature at Its Best

When it comes to a literature review, the project is usually crafted for identifying, evaluating and interpreting certain works created by scholars, researchers and academics. The reason why it is necessary to complete literature reviews lies in the fact that without it a writer won’t acquire the full understanding of a topic, what research has been already conducted on it, in what way it has been researched, and what the core issues are. What is more, it gives readers the (more...)

Essay Writing Topics for High School Students: Best Songs to Work to

Music makes this world a better place. Do you agree with that? Imagine you’re having the first date hoping for a kiss or walking to the class with no assignment done, the right tune – either a new or long forgotten song – can evoke your mood and work magic with your academic progress, the gym activity and the relationship with your SO. If every day in your college life begins with music and listening to it motivates you to (more...)

How to Prepare Project Topics in Zoology

Learners adopt idealistic goals for their biology projects, especially when they have specialized interest in some branches of biology such as zoology. The idealistic goals are based on a need for competitive achievements in terms of good grades and the desire to acquire postgraduate places. People choose project topics in zoology that can make a significant contribution to zoology literature and issues that affect animals. Cognizant of the broad content in zoology, selection of project topics should be conducted in (more...)

Must-Read Examples of Project Topics on Biochemistry

Project topics on biochemistry involve the biological and physicochemical procedures that transpire in active organisms. Biochemistry refers to the discipline and study of vital sequences and biochemical elements occurring inside living things, including hormones, lipids, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, among others. Biochemistry helps us to understand why and how certain phenomena exists. It provides practical solutions to biological problems and anomalies, such as diseases and deformities. It leads to inventions and discoveries such as vaccines and cures. Biochemistry Project Topics: CO2 (more...)

How to Prepare Project Topics on Mathematics

Project topics on mathematics deal with abstract science of quantity, space, and number. It is worth noting that mathematics can either be pure or applied, where the applied disciplines include engineering and physics. Project topics on mathematics utilize geometry, equations, functions, and their relationships to express the mathematical aspects of different phenomena concerning life. The topics represent major branches of mathematics that include geometry, arithmetic, calculus, and algebra. Some subdivisions require axioms-based proofs to put a case of validity to (more...)

How to Craft a Global Warming Essay

Writing a global warming essay may seem confusing and daunting, but it does not have to be. With the information in this article, writing a piece on the phenomenon will be simple. This article can even help you become a better steward of this planet. How cool is that? What is Global Warming? In simplest terms, global warming is the gain of the Earth’s natural surface temperature. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, create a greenhouse effect by trapping the heat (more...)

You Ask, We Answer: What is Editing in Writing?

It is a well-known fact that editing is essential in the production of each piece of strongly written work. In particular, the notion of what is editing in writing can be defined as a crucial part of an overall writing process for every writer. By the way, it is essential to understand and make a clear and strict separation between such processes as writing and also editing. In such cases, editing in writing is the core of the accurate written (more...)

Writing a Capstone Paper with Ease!

By the end of their scholarship programs, most students are assigned the complicated academic task of writing a capstone paper. The capstone paper is a paper that aims to summarize the educational achievements of the student throughout the course of his/her study. The task attempts to test the student's ability to use the gained knowledge and skills in practice. One may not become a qualified scholar if not able to conduct independent research. writing a capstone paper is an important (more...)

How to Narrow Down a Research Topic

Nowadays, it is typical to face the situation when students or researchers set off on a particular research topic, just realizing that it is too broad. By the way, lucky people may find out that the chosen topic is too broad before conducting a strong research. On the other hand, they will need to conduct it again, as much of the beginning research would be useless. Actually, people need to know how to narrow down a research topic and do (more...)