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Project topics on biochemistry involve the biological and physicochemical procedures that transpire in active organisms. Biochemistry refers to the discipline and study of vital sequences and biochemical elements occurring inside living things, including hormones, lipids, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates, among others. Biochemistry helps us to understand why and how certain phenomena exists. It provides practical solutions to biological problems and anomalies, such as diseases and deformities. It leads to inventions and discoveries such as vaccines and cures. Biochemistry Project Topics: CO2 (more...)
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Feb, 2018
How to Prepare Project Topics on Mathematics
Project topics on mathematics deal with abstract science of quantity, space, and number. It is worth noting that mathematics can either be pure or applied, where the applied disciplines include engineering and physics. Project topics on mathematics utilize geometry, equations, functions, and their relationships to express the mathematical aspects of different phenomena concerning life. The topics represent major branches of mathematics that include geometry, arithmetic, calculus, and algebra. Some subdivisions require axioms-based proofs to put a case of validity to (more...)
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May, 2017
How to Narrow Down a Research Topic
Nowadays, it is typical to face the situation when students or researchers set off on a particular research topic, just realizing that it is too broad. By the way, lucky people may find out that the chosen topic is too broad before conducting a strong research. On the other hand, they will need to conduct it again, as much of the beginning research would be useless. Actually, people need to know how to narrow down a research topic and do (more...)
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