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Jan, 2018
Business Case Studies Free
A business case study is a documented study of specific business situations that can be fictitious or real. The case study is used as a training tool in organizations and business schools, and it requires an individual to analyze the prescribed cases, find solutions, interpret them, and present recommendations. Accordingly, students in the business field and trainers should provide case scenarios and solutions that are based on specific theories and assumptions. The location and provision of free access to business (more...)
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Jan, 2018
Business Case Studies for Students
Business case studies for students provide a unique and relevant business education resource that students can use in business related studies. The case studies provide a summary of actual or fictitious accounts of business dilemma that provides students with an opportunity to analyze indicated business issues from different perspectives. Besides, the business case study for students enables learners to use problem solving skills to illustrate business theory and show the application of such theory to solve the business dilemma presented. (more...)
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